The best ways to rejuvenate your face at home and with a beautician

Aging is a natural process. Age-related changes are primarily reflected on the face. Some believe that it is impossible to avoid this, so they accept the deterioration in appearance. But there are simple and effective ways to slow down aging. You can carry out anti-aging treatments in a beauty salon or at home.

facial rejuvenation

How does skin aging

The main reason for age-related changes on the face is a decrease in the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The firmness and elasticity of the skin is supported by collagen fibers, which prevent it from sagging. And hyaluronic acid provides a sufficient level of hydration.

With age, metabolic processes slow down, so cell renewal is slower, tissue saturation with nutrients worsens. The skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles appear. This usually occurs after 45 years of age. But some women face age-related changes earlier. Various external and internal causes can accelerate aging.

External causes

The main reason for early aging is the negative impact of the external environment or an unhealthy lifestyle. If you eliminate these factors, you can stop this process. What can provoke the acceleration of age-related changes:

  1. exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  2. dry, frosty or hot air;
  3. dust, smoke, unfavorable environmental conditions;
  4. sedentary lifestyle;
  5. bad habits;
  6. lack of sleep;
  7. sleeping on a high pillow.

Internal reasons

Internal causes include hereditary predisposition, skin characteristics, hormonal imbalance, endocrine diseases.

Face rejuvenation

facial rejuvenation

Rejuvenation is a procedure that is aimed not only at eliminating wrinkles. Their task is to reduce all visible signs of skin aging:

  1. loss of elasticity;
  2. sagging skin;
  3. thinning and dry skin;
  4. vascular network;
  5. loose skin, enlarged pores;
  6. sagging cheeks, eyelids, double chin;
  7. fuzzy oval of the face;
  8. drooping of the corners of the lips;
  9. increased pigmentation.

Rejuvenation should be comprehensive. It is important to apply several methods at the same time: lifestyle changes, proper skin care, special cosmetic procedures. This is the only way to slow down aging and improve skin condition.

Cosmetologists recommend starting anti-aging procedures at the age of 25-30. At this time, the first signs of aging appear. But they can be carried out at 40, 50 years. The use of modern techniques allows you to slow down aging and preserve youth.

Up to 30 years old

Collagen and hyaluronic acid synthesis begins to decline after 25 years. The skin still looks firm, fresh. This is due to the rapid metabolism and cell renewal. But she needs to be helped with proper care. In order not to provoke early age-related changes, it is important to regularly cleanse and moisturize the face, as well as protect it from ultraviolet rays.

After 30 years

At this age, many women show the first signs of aging: fine expression lines, bags under the eyes, loss of elasticity, dull complexion. This is often due to improper skin care. After all, collagen and hyaluronic acid are still produced in sufficient quantities. Only the skin needs help: cleanse of dirt, excess sebum, moisturize, protect from the negative effects of the external environment.

After 40 years

At this age, natural aging begins. Metabolic processes slow down, damage from free radicals accumulates, the production of estrogens decreases, which help to maintain youthful skin. Age-related changes on the face are becoming more and more noticeable. Wrinkles appear in the corners of the eyes, near the mouth, bags under the eyes. The skin loses its elasticity and becomes dull.

After 50 years

After 50 years, age-related changes are already noticeable in all women. But with the right care you can slow down aging even at this age.

Facial rejuvenation at home

facial skin care for rejuvenation

To slow down the aging process, proper skin care is essential. It should include the following stages:

  1. cleansing in the morning and in the evening using mild products, it is not recommended to use soap, hot water, alcohol lotions;
  2. deep cleansing with a scrub once a week;
  3. toning and moisturizing with ready-made or homemade lotions, tonics, serums, effectively wiping the face with decoctions of chamomile, parsley, green tea, cucumber juice;
  4. at night you need to apply a nourishing cream or serum;
  5. before going outside - day cream with UV protection;
  6. Do moisturizing or nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

Rejuvenation at home can be done with purchased cosmetics, home masks, multivitamins. Facial massage and gymnastics for facial muscles are also effective.

Cosmetical tools

applying a cream to rejuvenate the skin of the face

Cosmetic preparations with a special composition are intended for rejuvenation. They contain hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils, vitamins, fruit acids. From a large number of anti-aging products, each woman will choose the most suitable one.

Home masks

In addition to ready-made cosmetics, folk recipes can be used. The most effective are masks. The composition should include antioxidants from plants, vitamins A and E, oils, fruit acids.

You need to make masks 1-2 times a week. They are prepared before application. It is better to use ceramic or glassware for mixing. Apply in a thin layer, avoiding eye and mouth areas. There, the skin is thin and special products are required. You can keep such masks for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

We analyzed existing recipes for homemade masks. According to women's reviews, they chose 7 of the most effective and simple ones.

  1. The cabbage mask tightens the skin. It is necessary to grind 2-3 leaves, you can use a meat grinder. Beat the whites separately and mix with the cabbage puree.
  2. Apricot mask contains fruit acids. Grate 1-2 fruits, add a little kefir or yogurt.
  3. Grate a small carrot, squeeze out the juice. Mix it with oatmeal to make a mushy mass. Add the yolk, a few drops each of vitamin A and olive oil.
  4. Steamed oatmeal with hot milk, cool. Add some olive oil.
  5. Chop a small bunch of parsley finely. Mix with a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of olive oil.
  6. Mash half a banana with a fork. Add the yolk and a tablespoon of heavy cream.
  7. Beat the egg. Mix with 3 tablespoons of kefir and 1 spoon of honey.


gymnastics for facial skin rejuvenation

Facial gymnastics or face building has become popular lately. This is a set of exercises for facial muscles that tone them, accelerate the elimination of toxins and blood circulation. This improves the condition of the skin.

Gymnastics is simple, it takes no more than 10 minutes. Such exercises are effective:

  1. raise eyebrows, press with your fingers, close your eyes for 5-7 seconds, then open;
  2. stretch your lips with a tube, blow out the air with force, then open your mouth wide;
  3. close your eyes, stretch your lips into a smile, then pull it out with a tube;
  4. puff out your cheeks strongly, count to 5 and release air through closed lips;
  5. strain your tongue and chin, without relaxing, tilt your head back, then forward.


The massage tones the skin, accelerates blood circulation and metabolic processes. It allows you to avoid a decrease in elasticity, the appearance of flews, nasolabial folds, a double chin. You can do it yourself.

Self-massage is recommended daily for 5-10 minutes. Movements should be performed along the massage lines. Start with the neck, then the cheeks, pay special attention to the nasolabial folds, at the end massage the forehead. It is impossible to stretch and rub the skin strongly; stroking, tapping with fingertips is performed.

It is recommended to use oil, balm or cream. During the procedure, cosmetics are better absorbed. There are several massage techniques, you can try everything and choose the one that suits you:

  1. lymphatic drainage;
  2. the Zogan (asahi) technique developed by the Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka;
  3. with the use of massagers: roller, smooth, with mesoscooters, vibration massagers.

Multivitamins and dietary supplements

vitamins for facial rejuvenation

To preserve youth and beauty, special beauty preparations are produced. They have an increased content of essential vitamins and minerals, they necessarily contain beta-carotene, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, antioxidants, calcium, iron, copper, selenium. Additionally, plant extracts are added to such preparations. American scientists in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology note that antioxidants can not only slow down the aging process, but also stimulate skin regeneration.

Despite the natural composition of such funds, you should consult your doctor before taking it. Individual intolerance to the components is possible. You need to take drugs in courses, for 1-2 months.

Facial rejuvenation in the salon

facial rejuvenation procedure

Not every woman, even to return her youth, will decide on an operation. But modern cosmetology offers many non-surgical anti-aging techniques. They restore natural processes in the body: they stimulate the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, and cell renewal.

But all the same, not everyone can carry out such procedures. There are several permanent and temporary contraindications:

  1. taking antibiotics, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  3. pregnancy and lactation;
  4. decreased immunity;
  5. cardiovascular pathology;
  6. infections, viral diseases;
  7. poor blood clotting;
  8. inflammation on the face;
  9. moles, warts, papillomas;
  10. tanning, visiting the solarium a few days before the procedure.

A rejuvenating procedure is selected individually, depending on age, health, skin condition. First you need to visit a beautician who will conduct an examination and advise on a suitable technique.


The most popular rejuvenation salon treatment. It is carried out at any age. The bottom line is that the top layer of the epidermis is removed. This starts the cell renewal process. In the salon, superficial, medium or deep peeling is carried out. The choice of procedure depends on the existing problems, skin type.

Peelings also differ in the method of exfoliation. Such methods are popular:

  1. mechanical, microdermabrasion;
  2. chemical - treatment with solutions of acids of different concentrations;
  3. laser, laser resurfacing;
  4. Ultrasonic peeling, ultrasonic cleaning.

Injection techniques

injection facial skin rejuvenation

The result from injections lasts a long time and is noticeable almost immediately. With their help, you can get rid of wrinkles, nasolabial folds, scars, excessive pigmentation, and tighten the oval of the face. There are several effective methods.

  1. Botox injections have been popular for many years. Botulinum toxin is injected under the skin to relax the muscles. The procedure quickly tightens the oval of the face, removes wrinkles, spider veins. The result is noticeable within a week. But it is recommended to repeat it again.
  2. Mesotherapy is the introduction of special preparations into the surface layers of the skin, which are selected individually. They may contain vitamin and mineral complexes, antioxidants, fibroblasts. Injections are made into problem areas, most often to eliminate a double chin, flews. Helps get rid of bags under the eyes, enlarged pores, age spots.
  3. Biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations under the skin. It helps the cells retain moisture. Thanks to this, the relief and complexion are leveled, and the elasticity of the skin increases. You need to spend 3-7 sessions every 2 weeks.
  4. Plasmolifting is the introduction of your own platelet-rich plasma into problem areas. This is the safest injection technique, it does not cause allergic reactions. Injections stimulate regeneration processes, eliminate age spots, increase skin elasticity, smooth fine wrinkles.


It occurs due to the exposure of the skin to light pulses without ultraviolet radiation. They penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, warming them up. This contributes to the contraction of the stretched collagen fibers. Blood circulation improves, pores are narrowed. Light pulses trigger the processes of regeneration and collagen production. The procedure is painless, lasts 15-20 minutes, and does not cause side effects. It is recommended to undergo 4-6 sessions with an interval of 2-4 weeks.

Allows you to eliminate age spots, wrinkles, even out the complexion. After photorejuvenation, the elasticity of the skin increases, the oval of the face is tightened, and fine wrinkles disappear. The procedure is able to eliminate the vascular network, age spots, scars, and acne marks. Shown after 40 years.

Laser rejuvenation

laser facial skin rejuvenation

Cosmetologists consider this method to be the most effective for a quick facelift, eliminating wrinkles and other skin imperfections. You can do it after 25 years. Treatments are carried out once a week. The full course will require 5-7 sessions. Although after the first procedure, the face becomes 3-5 years younger.

The safest laser used in cosmetology is neodymium. Its beam penetrates into the dermis to a depth of 8 mm. It has the following effect:

  1. removes dead keratinized skin scales;
  2. improves metabolic processes;
  3. stimulates cell renewal;
  4. accelerates the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  5. whitens, removes pigmentation;
  6. cleans pores, removes blackheads.

RF lifting

radiofrequency lifting for facial rejuvenation

Radiofrequency or RF-lifting is the heating of the dermis using radio waves. Effective against wrinkles, sagging skin. Exposure to radio waves triggers the process of cell renewal and stimulates collagen synthesis. Wrinkles are reduced, scars, drooping folds disappear. The method can be used after 25 years.

Prevention of rapid aging

Aging cannot be avoided. But you can slow down this process and make age-related changes on the face less noticeable. Cosmetologists recommend the following preventive measures:

  1. proper skin care, including cleansing, moisturizing and UV protection;
  2. balanced nutrition, including fresh fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products, easily digestible proteins in the diet;
  3. taking multivitamin complexes, preparations with Omega 3 fatty acids;
  4. daily use of at least 2 liters of water to avoid dehydration;
  5. quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, due to which the nutrition of cells is disrupted;
  6. high-quality full sleep on an orthopedic pillow;
  7. an active lifestyle, it is especially useful to walk in the fresh air, it helps to provide cells with oxygen.

Simple home remedies and beauty treatments in the salon will slow down aging. An integrated approach and adherence to the recommendations of cosmetologists will help prolong youth.